Feeling Drained

Feel drained? Could someone or something be draining you of your energy?

In my last blog I wrote about how I was doing Yang exercises, as my work was very Yin based. However a week later I needed to change to Yin exercise as a way to self nurture and for protection.

I had a terrible migraine over the weekend. And wasn’t strong enough to do a balance on myself until the Monday. Through this I discovered I had taken on another’s energy of hopelessness and despair. Further muscle testing revealed It was from not one but two people.

On the Friday I had a new client who was dealing with emotions of Despair and hopelessness. – I had taken on her energy. I always get to my clinic an hour before to set up, and cleanse the room, and do any energetic clearing I need so I can be my optimal best to help clients. But this time I forgot to do any grounding or self protection.

Later that evening I went out to dinner with my husband, and already weakened by one person’s energy my defences were down, and the second person’s energy I absorbed was that of the chef. Who know’s what they were going through or thinking while they were preparing the food, but it transferred to at least my meal and who knows how many other people’s meals.

Emotions are a form of energy.  Energy has no boundaries.  It is infinite.

The important thing is to ask yourself why have you chosen to allow this occur. What is the lesson to be learned?

At Empowering Health we have a number techniques to help you first identify how the energy is being drained, and then secondly how to stop this from happening.  Every person is unique so I can’t provide just one example, as no kinesiology balance is ever the same.  I’ll briefly explain some of the techniques that I use.

Self protection techniques

Cutting the cords

If someone already has their energetic tentacles attached to you, no form of protection may help you until you cut the cords. Give them back their own power, and stop draining you of yours so you can heal. There are a number of books available on this topic explaining the techniques or you might find something suitable on YouTube.


To do this I imagine I have roots growing out of the soles of my feet, like those of a tall, strong, healthy tree.  The roots grow longer and dig deeper and deeper until they reach the centre of the earth and hook around its core.


For this I use primarily kinesiology techniques which I teach all my clients.  These include, but not limited to:

  • brain integration techniques
  • ensuring my central meridian is strong
  • and that my life energy is strong


Burning sage is an ancient technique used to cleans a room, object or person of negative energies.  I’ve previously posted on my FaceBook page an article about the scientific evidence about sage’s natural cleaning abilities.  I sage my clinic room between every client. When we move house I also sage every room before we move in as part of my clearing/cleaning process.

Sound Healing

Various instruments may also be used to clear any energetic blocks for healing, and dispelling any negative energy.  My favourites for this are Sing Bowls, rattle/shaker, or tuning folks.  There are techniques to use to shift anything negative.

Essence Sprays

Lastly many new age shops sell room clearing sprays.  These may contain sage (as discussed above), crystals, or vibrational essences.  All work equally as well, and this is a quick and easy way to do a clearing.

Creative visualisation of protective shield

Lastly I have three different visualisation techniques I like to use depending on which I choose either intuitively or by muscle testing.

  • blue or gold light:

This I learned while training to be a Reiki Master.  The energies of the blue and gold lights are said to be the purest and help to protect, preserve and heal. Dependent on your own belief systems you can imagine these lights coming to you from a Source above, or you can imagine them starting at your Soul Chakra at your core.  If starting from Source imagine the light pouring down to the top of your head, down your neck, to the shoulder, down your arms and back, to your legs, and feet, enveloping your whole body.  If starting at your core imagine it starting as a small glow like a candle light, which grows and grows filling your entire body, then starts to radiate out through your outer shell and surrounding your whole body.

  • disco ball:  I learned this one at a mediumship circle I used to attend, and found it the easiest method to visualise.  I think that has something to do with the fact I was born in the 70s disco era.  Simply imagine you are surrounded by a disco ball which is made of thousands of reflective mirror tiles.  There are tiny gaps where the edges of the tiles don’t quite meet, but this allows for only love and light to penetrate.  The mirrors work to deflect any negative energy direct towards you, but deflects it away and a different angle to where it came, so that it down’t harm the originator but instead is sent to the ether to dissolve and disintegrate.
  • silver bullet:  This I learned from another kinesiologist, and is great when people are trying to latch onto you energetically, and a must do after you’ve completed the cutting of the cords exercise.  Being protected by a slippery solid surface means that there is nothing to latch on to again.

If you would like to learn more about how to protect yourself, and what or who may be draining you of your energy, make an appointment today with me. I’ll be happy to share these self healing techniques with you.

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At Empowering Health we help people reduce pain and stress (literally and figuratively) by gently activating their body’s self-healing capacity resulting in long-lasting change.  Choose to be your optimal best and achieve your goals, and make an appointment today.

Anne Barratt – Empowering Health – Natural Therapy, Coaching, & Kinesiology
Blue Mountains Natural Health Centre, 12 Singles Ridge Road, Winmallee NSW 2777, Australia
Mobile: 0491 154 594 • Email: info@empoweringhealth.clinig • Facebook: EmpoweringHealthAU
Website: www.empoweringhealth.clinic